Vaults are used to earn rewards. Tokens such as imUSD or Feeder Pool tokens can be deposited to earn additional MTA rewards. On Polygon the contract HeadlessRewardToken
is used. This allows for accrual of 2 Rewards and does not contain the Boost functionality that is present on Ethereum Mainnet. Contracts are upgradable.
The Feeder Pool Vault for mUSD/FRAX has been developed by and is not part of these docs.
The following table lays out the currently deployed vaults and what contract is used.
Vault | Address |
mUSD/FRAX Feeder Pool Vault (FRAX Contract) |
imUSD Vault
function stake (uint256 _amount) external
Stakes a given amount of the StakingToken for the sender
Parameter | Type | Description |
| uint256 | Units of StakingToken |
function stake (address _beneficiary, uint256 _amount) external
Stakes a given amount of the StakingToken for a given beneficiary
Parameter | Type | Description |
| address | Staked tokens are credited to this address |
| uint256 | Units of StakingToken |
function exit () external
Withdraws stake from pool and claims any rewards
function withdraw (uint256 _amount) external
Withdraws given stake amount from the pool
function withdrawAndUnwrap (uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmountOut, address _output, address _beneficiary, address _router, bool _isBassetOut) external returns (uint256 outputQuantity)
Redeems staked interest-bearing asset tokens for either bAsset or fAsset tokens. Withdraws a given staked amount of interest-bearing assets from the vault, redeems the interest-bearing asset for the underlying mAsset and either
Redeems the underlying mAsset tokens for bAsset tokens.
Swaps the underlying mAsset tokens for fAsset tokens in a Feeder Pool.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| uint256 | Units of the staked interest-bearing asset tokens to withdraw. eg imUSD or imBTC. |
| uint256 | Minimum units of |
| address | Asset to receive in exchange for the redeemed mAssets. This can be a bAsset or a fAsset. For example: - bAssets (USDC, DAI, sUSD or USDT) or fAssets (GUSD, BUSD, alUSD, FEI or RAI) for mainnet imUSD Vault. - bAssets (USDC, DAI or USDT) or fAsset FRAX for Polygon imUSD Vault. - bAssets (WBTC, sBTC or renBTC) or fAssets (HBTC or TBTCV2) for mainnet imBTC Vault.| |
| address | Address to send |
| address | mAsset address if the |
| bool |
function claimReward () external
Claims outstanding rewards (both platform and native) for the sender. First updates outstanding reward allocation and then transfers.
function claimRewardOnly () external
Claims outstanding rewards for the sender. Only the native rewards token, and not the platform rewards
function getRewardToken () external returns (contract IERC20)
Gets the RewardsToken
function getPlatformToken () external returns (contract IERC20)
Gets the PlatformToken
function lastTimeRewardApplicable () public returns (uint256)
Gets the last applicable timestamp for this reward period
function rewardPerToken () public returns (uint256, uint256)
Calculates the amount of unclaimed rewards a user has earned
function earned (address _account) public returns (uint256, uint256)
Calculates the amount of unclaimed rewards a user has earned
Parameter | Type | Description |
| address | User address |
function notifyRewardAmount (uint256 _reward) external
Notifies the contract that new rewards have been added. Calculates an updated rewardRate based on the rewards in period.
Parameter | Type | Description |
| uint256 | Units of RewardToken that have been added to the pool |
function totalSupply () public returns (uint256)
Get the total amount of the staked token
function balanceOf (address _account) public returns (uint256)
Get the balance of a given account
Parameter | Type | Description |
| address | User for which to retrieve balance |
Last updated