BoostedSavingsVault V2



function stake (uint256 _amount) external

Stakes a given amount of the StakingToken for the sender


function stake (address _beneficiary, uint256 _amount) external

Stakes a given amount of the StakingToken for a given beneficiary


function exit () external

Withdraws stake from pool and claims any unlocked rewards.Note, this function is costly - the args for _claimRewardsshould be determined off chain and then passed to other fn


function exit (uint256 _first, uint256 _last) external

Withdraws stake from pool and claims any unlocked rewards.


function withdraw (uint256 _amount) external

Withdraws given stake amount from the pool


  1. Redeems the underlying mAsset tokens for bAsset tokens.

  2. Swaps the underlying mAsset tokens for fAsset tokens in a Feeder Pool.

Redeems staked interest-bearing asset tokens for either bAsset or fAsset tokens. Withdraws a given staked amount of interest-bearing assets from the vault, redeems the interest-bearing asset for the underlying mAsset and either

function withdrawAndUnwrap (uint256 _amount, uint256 _minAmountOut, address _output, address _beneficiary, address _router, bool _isBassetOut) external returns (uint256 outputQuantity)


function claimReward () external

Claims only the tokens that have been immediately unlocked, not includingthose that are in the lockers.


function claimRewards () external

Claims all unlocked rewards for sender.Note, this function is costly - the args for _claimRewardsshould be determined off chain and then passed to other fn


function claimRewards (uint256 _first, uint256 _last) external

Claims all unlocked rewards for sender. Both immediately unlockedrewards and also locked rewards past their time lock.


function pokeBoost () external

Pokes a given account to reset the boost


function getRewardToken () external returns (contract IERC20)

Gets the RewardsToken


function lastTimeRewardApplicable () public returns (uint256)

Gets the last applicable timestamp for this reward period


function rewardPerToken () public returns (uint256)

Calculates the amount of unclaimed rewards per token since last update,and sums with stored to give the new cumulative reward per token


function earned (address _account) public returns (uint256)

Returned the units of IMMEDIATELY claimable rewards a user has to receive. Note - thisdoes NOT include the majority of rewards which will be locked up.


function unclaimedRewards (address _account) external returns (uint256 amount, uint256 first, uint256 last)

Calculates all unclaimed reward data, finding both immediately unlocked rewardsand those that have passed their time lock.


function notifyRewardAmount (uint256 _reward) external

Notifies the contract that new rewards have been added.Calculates an updated rewardRate based on the rewards in period.

Last updated