L2 Emissions Controller
This contract distributes the bridged rewards from the L2 Bridge Recipients to the end recipients.
Last updated
This contract distributes the bridged rewards from the L2 Bridge Recipients to the end recipients.
Last updated
function addRecipient (address _bridgeRecipient, address _endRecipient) external
Adds a new mapping of a contract that receives rewards from the PoS Bridge to the contract that ultimately receives the rewards.
Parameter | Type | Description |
function distributeRewards (address[] _endRecipients) external
Transfers bridged rewards sitting in the child recipient contracts to the end recipient contracts and the notifys them of the amount of rewards received.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Address of the contract that will receive rewards from the bridge
Address of the contract that ultimately receive rewards and implements the IRewardsDistributionRecipient
List of contract addressess that ultimately receive rewards.